Sunday, September 30, 2007

life like chocolate, ppl lik candy

Life's reallie like chocolate.. haixx...

some people are like globstobber(spel??) candy so hard on the outside.. so cheerfull.. any mishaps or downfalls would not be able to penetrate through this tough barrier of theirs.. however, once the candy is mesicated with intense presure of the teeth.. u can almost chew it effortlessly.. jus the same these people do.. once a cattastrophical misery seeps into their life.. even though its onlie 1.only 1. it may affect them tremendously..leaving them renderous (spl?? & dunno wete apt in this sentnce) in a myriad of negative thoughts.. sigh.. blaming themselves..hurting themselves..cring in silence.. haixx.. fr these ppl.. they will stil retain their hardness on the outside.. but inside.. they hardly reveal it to others.. moreover, their frens couldnt understand his sadness.. no 1 can console him. Ergo, he would just gave to suffer alone.. alone.....

so hu can they relate too... will he find the 1 that he can truly confide in?? the 1 that would be able to prompt him to pour all his sadness to...
till today.. i still havnt found that angel... hope u are somewhere infront of these computer screen.. reading these blog of mine.

haha... wanna write something like nick de... but thinkk i failed..

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